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Side Effects of Being Overweight

There are many side effects of being overweight. Unfortunately, some side effects can very dangerous and can also be fatal due to being overweight. Obesity now kills more people than car crashes and Alzheimer’s disease combined.

Obesity in the United States is a massive health issue leading to numerous diseases and increased risk of some types of cancer, coronary artery disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and a huge rise in economic costs. side effects of being overweight

In the United States, two out of every three American men are considered to be either overweight or obese, and rates for women are much higher. Medical expenses in America are through the roof due to obesity, approximately an additional $148 billion annually and expected to go up by around $1.2 billion per year.

And these are just a few side effects of being overweight, there are plenty more, unfortunately.

Am I Overweight?

A lot of people have the same question – Am I Overweight?

side effects of being overweight

According to the statistics above, chances are favorable that you may be overweight? The best way to find out if you fall into this category is to work out your BMI. BMI is short for ‘Body Mass Index’. To find out your body mass index, you can use a totally free BMI calculator just by typing ‘BMI Calculator’ into Google. The BMI calculator takes your mass (weight) and height and calculates your BMI and puts you into a category. This is the most simple method to check where your weight average is.

What Can I Do About Being Overweight?

OK, so now you have most likely checked out your body mass index with a BMI calculator and have results that you are not happy with and think that it’s a load of garbage, or it’s too late to start now? If that is the case, don’t be shocked as most of the world population is with you, but congratulations on actually checking out what your BMI actually is. Most people are self-conscious, scared or worried about what they will see from the calculations.

There is a heap of ways to lose weight these days and they aren’t the typical boring ways of popping a diet pill daily, eating lettuce and carrots only for every meal or even eating those horrid weight loss biscuits that swell in your stomach to make you feel full all day.

There are effective weight loss programs that suit the less active type of people, some want to lose weight doing physical exercise to build there cardio and lose weight through their hard work and sweat and also yoga. Yoga has been very popular for years and is proving to also be a great way to lose weight. More on Yoga here.

Weight Loss Programs For Active People

For active people looking for weight loss programs, there are plenty providing you don’t mind working out some and enjoy a bit of physical activity to get a lean belly, if not check out the section below this one.

So below are the programs recommended for active people.

The Fat Decimator System

This system peels back the veil on weight loss by dispelling the myths and showing you the science behind hoThe Fat Decimator Systemw the body works and how to work in harmony with your body’s natural fat-burning abilities to rapidly, safely and permanently shed unsightly and unhealthy pounds.

The Fat Decimator System has proven to be a successful weight loss and fitness program. People call the fat decimator book their fitness bible, as they have had so much success with it.

Along with The Fat Decimator PDF book, they have a heap of bonus material including.

  • The Fastest Weight Loss – Week Action Plan
  • The Powerful Sex Foods and Stimulants Report
  • 100 Great tasting Green Smoothie Weight Loss Recipes
  • 3 Minute Belly Shrinker Video Series
  • 1 Month Free Private Coaching

If fitness is your method of losing weight while gaining some muscle, this product would be for you. It is a very affordable program and they also offer a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee.

You can read our full review on The Fat Decimator System HERE to see if it’s for you, we have also put a link in the review for a $20 discount.

The 3 Week Diet

The 3 Week Diet is also a great weight loss program for the active type of people.The 3 Week Diet

This program also goes through the science of losing and gaining weight and the writer of this program has an outstanding knowledge of dieting, working out and making sure that you are in the right frame of mind.

The 3 Week Diet consists of dieting, workouts, getting motivated and having the right mindset to power through to outstanding results.

The 3 Week Diet program comes in 4 parts :

  • Introduction Manual
  • Diet Manual
  • Workout Manual
  • Mindset & Motivational Manual

The 3 Week Diet is a foolproof diet that claims you can lose up to 21 pounds within 3 weeks.

For an in-depth review on The 3 Week Diet, check it out HERE

Once again we have found a great discount link for $20 off the price, so make sure you check out our review link.

The Fat Burning Fingerprint

The Fat Burning Fingerprint is known for its remarkable results.

There’s nothing out there like the Fat-Burning Fingerprint that takes into account your specific “metabolic type” to show you exactly how to drastically burn more belly fat every single day.

Fat Burning Fingerprint Review

Over 21,000 people have already taken the challenge and started transforming their lives with this fast and easy fat-burning solution which has only been available for a short time online.

It can easily help you melt away up to 13 pounds in the next 10 days even if you don’t exercise!!

Lies such as avoiding fatty foods like bacon, cheese, and butter when that’s the exact OPPOSITE of what you should be doing!

Check out a full review on ‘The Fat Burning Fingerprint’ HERE

Weight Loss Programs For The Less Active People

Yes, there are weight loss programs for less active people. The Red Tea Detox is exactly that! If you struggle to do the physical effort, don’t find the time or just not interested in doing the hard sweating physical work to lose weight, there is a program that is guaranteed for you to lose weight. They even offer a 60-day money-back guarantee! How good it that? It sounds like my kind of weight loss program due to my busy lifestyle and schedule.

The Red Tea Detox

The Red Tea Detox is a brand-new cleansing program that detoxifies the body and sheds pounds quickly and safely. It allows almost anyone to lose 14lbs in just a matter of weeks. The Red Tea Detox

Based on more than a decade of research spanning over 500 medical studies as well as almost three years of real-world testing, this program has the results – and the science – to back it up.

The Red Tea Detox has been an extremely popular weight loss program and is getting more popular as each day goes by. Make sure you check out our review on The Red Tea Detox HERE

So What Now?

Do you have the side effects of being overweight? If so, don’t be ashamed as many are in your shoes. If you are considering to start losing weight, check out some of the above programs as they are the most popular we have come across with a money-back guarantee.

The decision is up to you whether you want to do the hard yards or easy way to diet. Everyone is different and also the results may vary from person to person.

If you want to check out more reviews, head to our front page as it has the links to all our reviews on the bottom of the page HERE 



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